Our Story: Why “The Class of Never”?

We have gotten a couple of DMs on our Instagram asking how we can be in two places (Chicago and California) at the same time, so I think it’s time we finally explain ourselves and share the story behind our name. May we formally introduce ourselves as The Class of Never, a.k.a. Meleeza and Ally. 

We were both born and raised in the suburbs of Chicago. Ally has been living in California for a while now, so that’s how we appear to be in two places at once. It’s also why we rarely post photos together. Through our Instagram, we are not only able to stay connected with each other, but also with others in our communities.

Where the Story Begins…

You may be asking, “Why is their name ‘The Class of Never’?”. Four years ago, we had an extreme epiphany during Meleeza’s sister’s graduation from nursing school. Before that, there was an ongoing joke with our friends and family that we were never going to graduate college (we’ll get into that later). At the graduation ceremony, someone brought up once again when we were going to graduate, and as a joke, we took one good look at each other and said “never”. Then it clicked. We told them that we were The Class of Never, and it just stuck.

Fast forward from that moment. We both have graduated from college and our name now has a deeper meaning to it than being just a joke. It shows us how far we have come and it continues to push us to accomplish the other goals we have, not just for ourselves, but together as The Class of Never.