Simplify Your Life

We’ve done a lot of things to simplify our life. Some have been big changes, while others have been small, but overall helped us live a better life. We understand a simple lifestyle isn’t for everyone. The choices we’ve made aren’t a priority in someone else’s life, and we totally get that. Live the life …

Tips To Reduce Plastic Use

First, we want to say that we are not perfect when it comes to living plastic-free. What we do, though, is try our best to use less plastic by making changes to our lifestyle. Some of the benefits of consuming less plastic are saving energy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, saving animal’s lives, and helping create …

Use Social Media For Good

Social media has had the strongest presence ever in our lives. We know there are many downsides to social media, and it’s important to know how it can be bad for us. On the other hand, don’t forget how amazing it can be as well. In honor of Social Media Day, let’s highlight how we …

How To Find Joy In Tough Times

Back in November, a good friend of mine asked me if I found joy every day. That simple question really made me think about my daily routine and put things in perspective. Since shelter-at-home took place, I have felt like a robot. I do the same things every day: work, eat, watch tv, sleep, repeat. …

2020 Reflections

What a year it has been. 2020 has made us feel every type of emotion there is. A lot of us will still be carrying those on into the new year, and it is okay. Many of us are still healing and navigating the wreckage this year has thrown at us. In a year of …