How To (Slowly) Become A Morning Person

We struggle waking up in the morning, which is why we decided to write this blog post. To not only help ourselves but those of you who are also not morning people. We hope you find these tips useful!

Have Good Thoughts Before You Sleep

It’s hard to be a morning person when you don’t get a good night’s sleep. This has been difficult for us since we have difficulty sleeping – no thanks to anxiety. Some things we do before sleeping are watching something light, listening to music, or meditating on the day we had and the day we look forward to having tomorrow. 

Find Something To Look Forward To

As soon as you wake up, the thoughts you have can set the tone for the rest of the day. Think about three things you’re grateful for, what positive things you’re excited for, and get yourself ready to start the day. It could be food, the smell of coffee, knowing you get to rest after your long day of work, or getting to see people you love.

Have A Morning Ritual 

If you can’t think of something to look forward to, create one. Have a morning ritual that will enhance your mood and make mornings enjoyable for you. (For Ally, she looks forward to juicing or making matcha. Meleeza looks forward to listening to her playlist of positive mantras and music as she gets ready). Happiness can be found in the simplest things, so find out what will bring joy to your mornings.  

Don’t Snooze 

Hitting snooze will only make you tired. If you have a hard time waking up, set your alarm much earlier than when you have to get up. Get your body used to waking up every morning at the same time and build that consistency around your morning routine to make waking up easier.


Go wash your face and brush your teeth! Not only is that good hygiene discipline that we should already be doing, but it will force you to get out of your room. It’s a small but effective way to start your morning routine. Another tip is to use cold water to wash your face, which will wake you up. The cold temperature benefits the skin by increasing blood flow and decreasing puffiness.

Get Your Blood Flowing 

Moving your body will get the blood flowing through your body and your brain, which will help you wake up and get your day started. After being still throughout the night, loosen up the tension in your body. Anything to get you moving for at least a minute or two as you wake up will make a difference. Do some stretches, dance, take a short walk. (Odd, but Meleeza likes to jump in place when she remembers.) 

Have A Wake Up Song or Morning Playlist 

Having a wake up song or morning playlist makes such a difference to your mood. We highly recommend you find that song that pumps you up, puts you in a good mood, and gets you going through the morning. If not music, put on your favorite inspiring podcast or a playlist with positive affirmations. 


Give yourself a boost of energy by drinking water. If you prefer having tea, a smoothie, juicing, or coffee, that’s fine too. Whichever you like starting your day with, make that a part of your morning routine.