How We Look After Our Mental Health

If there is one thing the last year has reminded us, it’s the importance of looking after ourselves. Our mental health has taken a serious turn since the pandemic, so we cannot emphasize enough how important it is to take care of yourself and take the necessary steps to feel well. Since May is Mental Health Awareness Month, we wanted to share some ways we look after our mental health that we hope can help you too.


When our body or mind needs rest, we rest and don’t feel one bit guilty about it. At times things can drain our energy physically and mentally. Some nights we don’t even get much rest at all, which is why it’s so valuable to our well-being. 

Letting Our Feelings Out 

We understand that many people find no pleasure in talking about their feelings, but it makes a difference for our mental health. Expressing our feelings through prayer, journaling, and talking to trusted friends and loved ones takes a big weight off our chest. Don’t bottle up your emotions because they’ll catch up to you and you’ll only feel worse by not dealing with them in some way. 

Taking Breaks

Taking breaks during work and having a change of pace or scenery has been beneficial to mental health. Our energy is different every day so having a change of pace allows us to give our body what it needs. As productive as we want to be during the day, we have to give ourselves a break so we don’t burn out.

Doing Something We Enjoy

Doing something we enjoy plays a part in dealing with our well-being because it reminds us of the joys in our lives. Things like working out allow us to clear our minds, sweat out the stress, and take care of our bodies. Hanging out or FaceTiming friends and family keeps the fun alive in our lives. Even just laying in bed watching tv helps because it gives us a chance to shut our brain off and chill.  

Practicing Mindfulness 

Some of the ways we practice mindfulness are by focusing on our breathing, living in the moment, and checking in with ourselves. Focusing on our breathing helps when we’re stressed or having anxiety because it calms us down. By living in the moment we focus on what’s in front of us and not worry about the future. Checking in with ourselves is key to looking after our mental health because it allows us to feed what our mind and body need.

Setting Boundaries 

Setting boundaries can be difficult, but it’s crucial for our well-being. We’ve learned when to say no, that we can’t always meet people’s needs, and to stand up for ourselves when something triggers or harms us. We have a better understanding of what to do when someone or something doesn’t make us feel good and affects our mental health. We protect our inner peace by establishing healthy boundaries to make sure we’re mentally and emotionally stable.

Asking For Help 

We can only do so much on our own. Leaning on others has helped us get out of the pit we’re in and slowly start feeling like ourselves again. Asking for advice and guidance has helped us see other’s perspectives, which can change the way we think and act. This definitely includes professional help as well. Although, we personally don’t see a therapist as of yet, we never forget the options of therapy or counseling.


There are so many ways to look after ourselves mentally, so it’s just as important to be aware and in tune with the bigger picture as well. We like to take the time to reflect on our habits and patterns to ultimately work towards better versions of ourselves. Literally take note, maybe through journaling, of why you feel certain negative feelings and how you tend to respond to them. Do you react positively or negatively? If negatively, think of better ways to handle those feelings. If positively, think of other situations in your life you can apply that positive mindset to. 

Valuing Ourselves 

From having anxiety and dealing with depression it can be easy to shame ourselves for having these struggles. Instead, we accept our flaws and who we are. We’ve learned that it’s okay not to be okay. By valuing ourselves, we are able to give the kindest and respect we deserve.

You can be strong and still struggle with your mental health. Never feel embarrassed to talk about your mental health because seeking help isn’t a weakness, but a strength. It’s so important to get the appropriate care and treatment you need. Remember that you’re not alone and that you matter.

Some resources:

The National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association 

Black Mental Wellness

Indian Health Service

National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network

CDC Mental Health Tools & Resources

Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration