Simple Guide to Easy Meditation

By Meleeza

Lately, I’m sure you’ve been reading more than ever the importance of mental health and well-being during this very strange, uncertain time. Well what you’re reading is TRUE. If you’re like me right now, quarantine may be leaving you fatigued for no reason all throughout the day, but wide awake with tons of restlessness at night. Whatever personal stress or uneasiness you may be experiencing due to the pandemic, easy meditation can help you to relieve it. More benefits include feeling more productive, more rested, and more connected with yourself.

Now I know this may not be everyone’s cup of tea or the thought of meditation may seem very intimidating to some. I totally get it because I have been there, and I still get that way after meditating for years. So without giving you a lengthy lesson to bore you on what meditation is all about (that’s what Google is for), here is an easy meditation guide on to help you go for it and just jump in. 

Set Up

Choose Your Space and How Long You Want to Meditate For

Pick anywhere comfortable with minimal distractions for the amount of time you want to meditate for. Whatever amount of time you feel you need is up to you- 1 hour, 30 minutes, 15 minutes, or even 5 minutes still counts! If you’re on a timed schedule with something important to attend to afterwards, maybe have a subtle alarm set in case you fall asleep- trust me, it absolutely happens. 

You’ll want your body in any position comfortable to you, like sitting up with your back against the wall, sitting at your desk, or even just laying in your bed. As long as you know you can stay in that position with ease for the time you want to meditate, you’re good. For instance, you don’t want to sit up straight with zero back support for a whole hour if you know your body can’t handle that. 


Although it is perfectly fine to sit in silence or just soak in the natural sounds of what is outside your door, music is a great tool to enter a meditative state. I suggest creating a playlist of songs without lyrics.  Lyrics can distract the mind, especially if it is a song you love. Play whatever calming, wordless music you’re into. I prefer to meditate to Lo-Fi vibes or singing bowl soundtracks off Spotify.

“The mind is the king of the body, the breath is the king of the mind.”


Like meditation, I could go into depth about the huge role of breathing as well, but the goal here is to just get you to jump in and start meditating! In short, your breath is powerful. Just as breathing is significant to staying alive, your breath is significant in entering a meditative state. 

Breathing Technique:

For 3 full counts, take a deep inhale through your nose while expanding your chest & belly. Then for 6 full counts, release a long exhale out your mouth while relaxing those same areas. Imagine a balloon inflating and deflating in your torso. 

This is the breathing pattern I want you to use for as long as you feel necessary to start off. If you like breathing that way, you can continue, but feel free to breathe naturally for the remainder of your time once you feel ready.

With your eyes closed, relax every muscle in your body. Notice what feelings or thoughts appear. If they’re good, embrace it and breathe into it. If they’re unsettling, let go of the negativity that does not serve you with each long exhale. 

If it’s hard to concentrate…

Add Mantras: 

Repeat words of affirmation outloud or in your mind with every exhale to focus on positivity and keep your mind from wandering.
Here are a few examples of mantras: 
“I am strong”
“I am loved”
“I am happy”

Do Body Scanning: 

Think about energetically breathing into these 7 body parts for about 10 deep breaths each (or however many breaths you want) in this order: tailbone, groin, right above the navel, heart, throat, between the eyebrows, above your head. 

If that’s difficult to remember, just choose body parts to breathe into starting at your feet. Then make your way up to above your head. 

Use Guided Meditation: 

Another easy option for meditation is listening to guided meditations. In guided meditations, someone will verbally direct you through the entire meditation to keep you focused. You can easily find these free on Youtube, Spotify, Apple Music, or even on apps. 

“You have the power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” – Marcus Aurelius

And That’s It!

I hope you feel confident on simple meditation now. Honestly, there’s no right or wrong way to do it. People meditate without knowing they’re even doing so through activities like painting or playing instruments. I just wanted to share how you can do it with your body and breath as the only tools.

Open your mind, give it a shot, and make note of how it helped you afterwards. Then repeat it tomorrow! Hopefully you get to the point of being excited to stay consistent with meditating and you can say it has helped you relieve stress, lift your mood, boost your energy, and so much more. The more you practice, the better you get at it! Let us know your experience or other ways you like to meditate! 

I just want to add that Ally and I are here for anyone who needs someone to talk to. Please do not hesitate to contact us about anything. Also nobody should feel afraid or embarrassed to reach out to a professional about mental health no matter how big or small the situation is. You matter, and we are all in this together.