Things To Spring Clean Besides Your Home

When we think of spring cleaning- we think of doing a thorough sweep of the house and getting rid of unwanted items. While it is good to take time to clean your home, move out winter items and bring out spring and summer essentials, other things also need your attention. Here’s a list of things you can spring clean besides your home. 

Your Car 

If your car is anything like ours, it’s filled with shoes, bags, and receipts. Here’s a reminder to clean out your car, throw out the trash, and organize the compartments. If you can, give your car a wash, vacuum, and shine your tires. Maybe even hire your little cousin to clean it out for you. 

Your Social Media 

Take a look at who you follow and declutter your digital life. If someone you follow doesn’t make you feel good about yourself, hit that unfollow button! Also there are so many outlets to get your news and entertainment- know which ones are trustworthy and can be a positive source for you. Make your timeline educational, inspiring and uplifting.

Your Phone 

Give the other apps on your phone a look. Delete those screenshots or photos you have no use for and only take up space. Unsubscribe from those emails that are no longer useful. Delete apps you realize you don’t use anymore. You don’t need more notifications, especially if you’re going to ignore them. We’re on our phones a lot, so it’s worth simplifying your digital life. (Don’t forget to disinfect your phone too!)

Your Relationships 

This one can be hard, but some of us might have people in our lives who don’t deserve our entire time and energy. The relationships we have should be nurturing, loving, and beautiful. We shouldn’t give our all to those that drain us and bring unhealthy feelings into our lives. Take a look at your relationships- see what boundaries should be made and what needs to be communicated to have a healthy relationship. 

Your Mind

Spring brings a fresh start, so why not freshen up your mind? If you have a lot of things on your mind, get everything out. Don’t be afraid of your negative thoughts. Write them down, vent them out, or talk to someone to gain clarity. Maybe it’s hard to put the bad feelings into words- cope with them through an art form, like painting, dancing, singing karaoke, etc. Release it!