Tips To Reduce Plastic Use

First, we want to say that we are not perfect when it comes to living plastic-free. What we do, though, is try our best to use less plastic by making changes to our lifestyle. Some of the benefits of consuming less plastic are saving energy, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, saving animal’s lives, and helping create a sustainable environment. Here are eight tips to reduce plastic use. 

Shop With Reusable Bags 

There are thousands of styled totes and canvas bags out there, so skip the plastic bags and use reusable bags instead. Bring them when you get groceries and go shopping, and keep your reusable bags in your car so you never forget them. 

Use Stainless Steel Bottles or Travel Cups 

Stainless steel bottles keep your drinks cold and hot- plus, it’s durable. Be eco friendly by investing in a Hydro Flask, Tumbler, or any other type of stainless steel bottle. If you prefer cups, use a travel cup instead of disposable cups. 

Use Reusable Straws 

From bamboo to silicone to stainless steel, reusable straws come in a variety of materials and sizes. When you start looking for reusable straws, buy a pack that comes with a straw cleaner so it’ll be easier to scrub inside. Do your part by helping save marine life and use reusable straws. 

Choose Glass Containers 

Choosing glass containers over plastic has a lot of benefits. Some benefits to using glass are that it’s safer to microwave because chemicals aren’t leached into food, storing food lasts and tastes better, and you’ll save money. 

Use Reusable Food Bags 

Start packing your food and snacks in reusable food bags. There are food baggies made for fruit, vegetables, sandwiches, chips, really anything you want to store. Try using these instead of plastic baggies.

Switch to Sustainable Beauty Brands 

Switch to sustainable beauty brands that are cruelty-free, clean, and vegan. Their items are recyclable, planet-friendly, and better for your skin. Next time you shop for beauty products, check the ingredients to see if it’s a sustainable brand. 

Try Shampoo & Conditioner Bars

Try using bar soaps for your shampoo and conditioner bars. This can be hard for some, but those who have switched have gotten used to it. It’s eco-friendly, contains healthier ingredients, and lasts longer. If you want to change over to bars altogether, use hand and body soap bars too. 

Reduce Plastic Packaging 

If you do a lot of online shopping, you know how large corporations use a lot of unnecessary plastic in their packages. Besides recyclable and reusable packing, try to buy items that also come in biodegradable packaging, have sustainable raw materials, or have minimal packaging. 

As we said, we are not perfect, but we are trying to eliminate plastic from our lives as much as we can. These small changes can make a big difference, so try some of them out. The less plastic we use, the more difference we make for our life and the environment.